SiteSage SmartStat 46

Meters, and Apps

SiteSage SmartStat 46

Remotely control thermostats from any location using your computer or mobile device. Easily schedule heating and cooling around operating hours and important events. This thermostat is supported in the SiteSage solution.

Flexible Thermostat Schedules

Create schedules for open hours, evenings, weekends, and important dates. Choose from 4, 6, 8 different time periods within a day. Allow full, partial, or no lockout.

thermostat schedule

Apply Schedules to Zones and Locations

Easily apply these schedules across zone(s) within a building or multiple locations.

assign schedule to zones and locations

Heating and Cooling Stages Chart

Track the heating and cooling stages with the interactive charts.

hvac operating state chart

Thermostat Information

This thermostat is compatible with most HVAC systems, including the following:

  • 24VAC systems Note: requires both the 24R and 24C (common) wires
  • Standard gas/oil/electric heating systems
    • 1 stage heating and cooling
    • 2 stage heating and cooling
  • Heat Pump systems:
    • 1 stage heating and cooling
    • 2 stage heating and cooling
  • 2nd or 3rd stage Auxiliary heating (heat strips)
Enjoy online HVAC controls, schedules, and reports

Call +1-207-370-6517 or use our contact form.

Contact PowerWise

Retail and Restaurant Support and Sales

If you have a thermostat question for Five Below, Arby's, or a similar restaurant / retail chain, please call Powerhouse Dynamics at 1-617-340-6582.

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